Important Safety Reminders

Important Safety Reminders

The following reminders have been in effect all year, but the ice and piles of snow make them especially important now:

Carpool Line:

Pull as far down the driveway as possible before letting your child (ren) out. When exiting, please stop at the sidewalk before proceeding to exit. Between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. exit Left only. No right turn onto Washington Street.

Parking Lot:

Please do not drop children in the lot to walk by themselves among the cars. Young children are especially difficult to see, especially by drivers in large vehicles. Nobody wants a tragedy to occur. Remind your child to look both ways before crossing any street, including Washington Street. Nearly every day at least one vehicle ignores the Do Not Enter signs – and I’m sad to say that some have been driven by Bullock parents. We work hard to keep everyone safe but the staff cannot stay outside after arrivals to escort latecomers.

Parking Spaces:

Almost all parking spaces are assigned to staff of either CHB or Head Start. Staff who travel from building to building are not always in spaces before school or at some points during the day. The designated Visitor spaces or parking along Washington Street (east of the school) or Elm Street are your best bets for parking. Thank you to everyone who follows directions and uses common sense to get children here and home in a safe manner. It may seem like a small thing, but it contributes to learning and we appreciate it.

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