Green Building Features

On-Site Renewable Energy:  We are revolutionary and innovative in our use of geothermal and solar heating and cooling. The entire school roof is lined with hundreds of south-facing solar panels, filled with photovoltaic cells. The DC current is converted to AC in the mechanics room, and fed into the school's electric supply. Outside of the school is a pump house that manages the heat supplied from deep in the ground. The geothermal system cools the building as well as heating it. It uses liquid-filled tubes, cooled to 54 degrees Fahrenheit (cave temperature.)

Cement Walls: The blocks used to build our walls are made from recycled green and brown glass, and pieces of marble. 

Joint Use of Facilities: Our playing fields, gym and classrooms can be used by other groups for non-school events and functions. Our school is an important part of our community because we can share it with others.

Lunch Time Recycling Stations: We have two fully functioning recycling stations in our cafeteria. Students deposit liquid waste into containers, and recycle all cartons, as well as plastic containers. 

Classroom Party Kits: Each and every classroom is equipped with a reusable "party kit" complete with plastic plates, cups and utensils which can be washed and reused. This significantly reduces the amount of waste produced during classroom celebrations.

Storage & Collection of Recyclables: We have special containers to recycle paper, cardboard, glass & plastics. They are found in both hallways and in classrooms.

Terra Cycling Bins:  We continually collect difficult-to-recycle products and either reuse or reduce them (ex. markers, bottle tops, juice boxes, granola bar wrappers etc.).

Lighting System Design and Controllability: The lights in our rooms are controlled by occupancy sensors. When a room is empty, the lights go off.

Bathrooms: The bathrooms are fully set up with motion detectors to turn on the lights, the faucets, and the hand-dryer as well as to flush the toilets.

Daylight: Almost all of the rooms in our school have natural daylight, so we don't have to rely on artificial lights as often, and can enjoy the outdoors even when we're indoors.

Low Impact Cleaning & Maintenance Equipment: We only use environmentally friendly cleaning supplies to keep our air clean and fresh. 

Alternative Transportation: Our school has bike racks and hosts frequent Walk to School Days to encourage alternative modes of transportation to and from school.

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