Health Office

BandageWelcome to Charles H. Bullock School's Health Information Page.

Christine Langton, R.N. 
School Nurse

 Phone: 973-509-4249

Fax: 973-509-6995

E-mail: [email protected]

District Nurse Page

District Medical Forms


Students are screened for height, weight, vision and hearing according to New Jersey Department of Education guidelines as follows:

Vision: K, 2 and 4

Hearing: K, 1, 2, 3, and 4

Height/Weight: K-5

Scoliosis: 5

Physical Exams are required of all new kindergarten students and for those students transferring from another school district. Physicals are also recommended for students entering 6th grade.


Medications may not be given in school without permission from the child's doctor and parent/guardian. This applies to both prescription and over the counter medication.


If your child or children are or will be absent, please call the main office at 973-509-4255 and leave a message on the attendance line. Include the reason for the absence and estimated time your child or children will be absent.

Health Status Changes:

Please let the nurses office know if there have been any changes in your child's health status and if medications have been added or discontinued.

Student Injuries such as fractures, stitches, etc. must be reported to the school nurse so that accommodations can be made if necessary.


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