AGAP Formal Report and Recommendations
Full AGAP Report (Printed copies are also available at the Montclair Public Library)
This document is the full report of the Montclair Achievement Gap Advisory Panel. This document includes the methodology, data, recommendations, and references supporting the analysis.
Supplemental Data Document
This document includes some of supplemental charts that were used to support the analytic work of the Committee. All data referenced during the formulation of recommendations can be found below under Data Resources.
AGAP Recommendations - Presentation Slide Show (June 16, 2015, public forum)
Video of the AGAP Presentation (June 16, 2015, public forum)
An Achievement Gap Advisory Panel (see list of Panel members) will review and discuss the multiple factors that impact achievement gaps and the role school systems and communities should play to most effectively narrow those gaps. The Montclair community embraces its diversity, and there is a strong desire across the community to do whatever it takes to be sure all of our children have the access to an education that fully supports them in reaching their highest potential. Superintendent Penny MacCormack understands this cannot be the work of the school system alone, so this panel of educators and community members will work to:
- More fully understand the history of work already done to meet this goal
- Research current best practices for schools and communities grappling with achievement gaps
- Make recommendations of practices that would benefit Montclair students and the Montclair community
Superintendent MacCormack introduced Ronald W. Brown and Tom Reynolds at the December 16, 2013 Board of Education (BOE) Meeting to serve as the Panel's co-chairs. Mr. Brown is a former BOE President and 25-year BOE liaison to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund. See Mr. Brown's statement. Mr. Reynolds, president of the Montclair Branch of the NAACP, is also a life-long Montclair resident, an MHS graduate, and an active supporter of community youth programs.
In order for the community-at-large to stay informed about the work of the Panel, the district has created this public page. Here, one can view resources and reference materials that are being used by the Panel. This page will be updated periodically as the work progresses.
Frequently Asked Questions
Series of Community Sharing Events (10.3.14)
AGAP Announces Community Sharing Forums in October (9.18.14)
New Chair of Panel is Announced (5.28.14)
Achievement Gap Advisory Panel Mission
Reaching the Vision for ALL Students
Achievement, Expectations, Opportunities
MPS Vision: The MPS will cultivate and support our students to become high academic achievers, curious and creative thinkers, and socially adept young people who are prepared for college and careers of the 21st century.
The mission of the Achievement Gap Advisory Panel is to offer advice to the Superintendent of Schools for supporting all students in reaching the district vision.
Questions panel members will want to consider:
- What does success look like for students achieving this vision?
- Are some of our students closer to this vision? Who are they?
- Are some of our students further away from this vision? Who are they?
- What supports need to be offered to all students to meet this vision?
- What additional supports are needed for students' further away from reaching the vision?
- What supports should schools offer?
- What supports could the community offer?
- How should the schools and community work together?
- The panel's collective response to "What does success look like for students achieving the district vision?"
- Recommend school and community level practices and strategies for effectively addressing achievement, opportunity and expectation gaps
- Recommend how the school system and community partners might work together to most effectively address achievement, opportunity and expectation gaps
- Review the District Strategic Operating Plan and recommend any additions or adjustments to goals, objectives or strategies
- Prepare a formal presentation of recommendations and identify a future date for the panel to review district progress
- Practices and strategies for schools to address achievement, opportunity and expectation gaps
- Practices and strategies for community partners to address achievement, opportunity and expectation gaps
- Practices and strategies for school and community partners to work together to address achievement, opportunity and expectation gaps
- Examples of Excellence: Individuals, Schools, School systems
Data Resources
Academic Achievement Reports - 2013
Additional Resources
Materials contributed by panel members. Check back frequently for updates.
- NEW: "Spreading the A.P. Gospel," by Kenneth Chang
- "Holder and Duncan Reform Outdated School Discipline Policies," by Marc H. Morial, Pres. & CEO National Urban League
- "Homework Policy Still Going Strong," by Lory Hough
- "All Along," by Katie Bacon
- "A School on the Move -- Literally," by Christine Junge
- "How one high school is tackling the achievement gap," by Shannon Prather
- "Kids, defined by income," by Christina Pazzanese
- "STEM Gaps Start in High School," by Albert Lin
- "Preschool is important, but it's more important to preschool children," by Bruce Fuller
- "It's Time to Act: Let's focus on the well-being of African-American male youth," by Sandra Hughes-Hassell and Casey Rawson
- "Intensive Small-Group Tutoring and Counseling Helps Struggling Students," Motoko Rich
- "Reform of the Reform: How Not to Fix our Schools," Jackson Lear
- "Once racially troubled, a district shrinks the achievement gap," Jackie Mader
- "The Threat of Stereotype," Joshua Aronson
- "Solving the Problem of Summer Reading Loss," James S. Kim and Thomas G. White
- "Mismatches in Race to the Top Limit Educational Improvement," (report) Elaine Weiss
- "Educating for the 21st Century: Data Report for the New York Performance Standards Consortium"
- "Why Pre K is Critical to Closing the Achievement Gap," Ellen Frede and W. Steven Barnett
- "The Civil Rights of Children," NY Times Editorial
- "Oklahoma! Where the Kids Learn Early," Nicholas D. Kristof
- "4,100 Massachusetts Students Prove 'Small is Better' Rule Wrong," Sam Dillon
- "Working Within Constraints to Transform Schools," Pedro Noguera
- "Closing the Achievement Gap: Identifying Social, Societal, Familial and Psychological Factors Affecting Black Students' Academic Performance," Chanon M. Bell
Power Point Presentations
Reference Material written by Ronald W. Brown
December 2013 Documents: